
Hello World

Welcome to BaoHua Blog ! This is My first post.

大家好,这是我的个人博客,这篇是我的第一篇博文,先熟悉一下编辑环境。本人主要学习Java开发,包含Java基础,Java框架知识, 数据库等,正在学习Vue.js、Golang、SpringCloud等前后端框架。 以后我会在这里分享各种学习心得和遇到的问题。

Hello everyone, this is my personal blog, this is my first blog, let’s get familiar with the editing environment. I mainly learn Java development, including Java foundation, Java framework knowledge, database, etc., and I am learning Vue.js, Golang, SpringCloud and other front-end frameworks. I will share my learning experience and problems here in the future.

More blog info : GitHubCSDN

No man is an island.

